रास्ते Raaste Lyrics in Hindi – U-Turn

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रास्ते Raaste Lyrics in Hindi – U-Turn

Raaste Lyrics in Hindi from the movie U-Turn sung by Asit Tripathy. This song is written by Rashmi Virag and music composed by Arko. Starcast Alaya F, Priyanshu Painyuli & Aashim Gulati.

About : रास्ते Raaste Lyrics in Hindi – U-Turn Song

📌 Song TitleRaaste
🎞️ AlbumU-Turn (2023)
🎤 SingerAsit Tripathy
✍️ LyricsRashmi Virag
🎼 MusicArko
🏷️ Music LabelZee Music Co.

रास्ते Raaste Lyrics in Hindi – U-Turn Lyrics(Hindi)

रास्ते जुदा जुदा हुए
ख्वाब क्यूँ खफा खफा हुए
बारिशें भीगा के यूँ गयी
जल बुझे धुआँ धुआँ हुए

रास्ते जुदा जुदा हुए
ख्वाब क्यूँ खफा खफा हुए
बारिशें भीगा के यूँ गयी
जल बुझे धुआँ धुआँ हुए

ये तेरा और मेरा कारवाँ
इक लम्हे में थम सा गया
वो तेरा और मेरा आसमान
दूर पीछे कहीं रह गया

खोया खोया लापता
क्यूँ ना खुद से वास्ता

जिस जगह मिले थे हम कहीं
आज तक रुका हूँ मैं वहीं
कुछ नही बचा है अब यहाँ
पहली सी वो खुशबूयें नही

ये तेरे और मेरे दरमियाँ
कुछ ना कुछ रह गयी खामियाँ
वो तेरा और मेरा आसमान
दूर पीछे कहीं रह गया

खोया खोया लापता
क्यूँ ना खुद से वास्ता
खोया खोया लापता
क्यूँ ना खुद से वास्ता

Written by:Rashmi Virag and music composed by Arko

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Video : रास्ते Raaste Lyrics in Hindi – U-Turn

रास्ते Raaste Lyrics in Hindi – U-Turn Lyrics(English)

Raaste juda juda huye
Khwaab kyun khafaa khafa huye
Baarishein bhigaa ke yun gayi
Jal bujhe dhuaan dhuaan huye

Raaste juda juda huye
Khwaab kyun khafaa khafa huye
Baarishein bhigaa ke yun gayi
Jal bujhe dhuaan dhuaan huye

Ye tera aur mera kaarwaan
Ik lamhe mein tham sa gaya
Wo tera aur mera aasmaan
Door peechhe kahin reh gaya

Khoya khoya laapata
Kyun na khud se vaasta

Jis jagah mile the hum kahin
Aaj tak ruka hoon main wahin
Kuch nahi bacha hai ab yahaan
Pahli si wo khushbuyein nahi

Ye tere aur mere darmiyaan
Kuch na kuch rah gayi khaamiyaan
Wo tera aur mera aashmaan
Door peechhe kahin rah gaya

Khoya khoya laapata
Kyun na khud se vaasta
Khoya khoya laapata
Kyun na khud se vaasta

Some FAQ about रास्ते Raaste Lyrics in Hindi – U-Turn:

Who is the singer of रास्ते Raaste Lyrics in Hindi – U-Turn song?

Asit Tripathy has sung रास्ते Raaste Lyrics in Hindi – U-Turn song.

Who wrote the lyrics of रास्ते Raaste Lyrics in Hindi – U-Turn song?

Rashmi Virag and music composed by Arko has/have written the lyrics of रास्ते Raaste Lyrics in Hindi – U-Turn song.

Who is the cast in रास्ते Raaste Lyrics in Hindi – U-Turn music video?

रास्ते Raaste Lyrics in Hindi – U-Turn music video features .

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